Category Archives: Service

Technician changing air filter

When Should I Get My Car’s Air Filter Changed?

5 Signs that your Car’s Air Filter Needs to be Changed  

A car’s air filter is one of the crucial components of your engine. It ensures that your car’s engine gets enough oxygen-rich air while filtering out the dust, particles, and debris that might damage the inner workings of your engine. If your vehicle is due for a filter change in Indianapolis, IN, visit Auto Sales & Service. Before that, let us learn about the five signs of the car filter change in this blog.  

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Technician checking brakes

3 Signs That Your Car Needs New Brakes

How to Tell Your Car Needs Brake Replacement 

No fixed frequency exists at which you must get your car’s brake pads replaced. It should come as no surprise that the rotors don’t function as smoothly as they used to after a few years. ‘Forever’ is not a term when it concerns a car’s components. Regular inspections are recommended so that worn-out brakes are identified and replaced on time. In general, most cars run their best with functional brakes up to 65,000 miles. However, you must make sure to keep an ear out to sense a damaged brake that requires immediate repairs or replacement. If you are still figuring out the right time to head out to our Auto Sales & Service store in Indianapolis, IN, for a used car or an overdue service, you may want to check out the following tips on how to tell your car needs brake replacement. 

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flat tire

How Do I Change a Flat Tire on My Car?

How-To Guide to Changing a Flat Tire 

Are you a new driver? Have you never changed a flat tire? Flat tires can be scary on the road – but it is even more intimidating if you do not know how to change a flat tire. We are here to help at Auto Sales and Service Inc. in Indianapolis. Use this quick step-by-step how-to guide to changing a flat tire and get your car back on the road in no time. Find a used car to fit your lifestyle today and get online credit approval at Auto Sales and Service!  

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