Category Archives: Tips and Tricks

Car in the forest at night

How to Drive Safely at Night

Safety Tips for Driving at Night

At night, there is reduced visibility. Also, drowsiness is at its peak during the night. It is challenging to put the same level of focus and concentration you put in during the day at night. It requires extra effort and alertness. That is the reason why a lot of accidents happen at night. As a driver, you must be extra vigilant and mindful. Safety is of prime importance. The below mentioned tips will help you drive safely at night. Keep reading this blog by the Auto Sales & Service dealership in Indianapolis, IN, to learn more regarding this.

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Rows of tires

What Are Some Key Tire Maintenance Tips?

How to Take Care of Car Tires

There is no doubt that tires are one of the most crucial elements of a car. Without tires, your vehicle literally cannot move. At the same time, tires are also most susceptible to damage and tear as they constantly touch the road. The quality of a ride depends on the quality of the tires. Without good quality tires, you cannot expect a smooth ride on the road. Just like any other part of a car, tires require regular care and maintenance. Keep reading this blog by the Auto Sales & Service dealership in Indianapolis, IN, to learn how to take proper care of your car tires.

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Mechanic pouring coolant flush in the car

How to Maintain Your Car’s Cooling System

Tips to Take Care of Your Car’s Cooling System Properly

Like any other car part, the cooling system also needs regular maintenance. Without a solid cooling system, the engine could have difficulty running at a safe temperature. If you want to keep your engine in optimal health for a long time, you must work towards taking care of the car’s cooling system. A lot of the time, vehicles break down because of some defects in the cooling system. You need to take extra caution during the winter and summer months. During these months, the cooling system has to work extra hard to maintain the temperature. Keep reading this blog by the Auto Sales & Service dealership in Indianapolis, IN, to learn how to maintain your car’s cooling system.

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A woman in red color is feeling nauseous while travelling in a car.

How to Prevent Car Sickness

Tips to Avoid Car Sickness

Car sickness is annoying. It takes away all the fun of traveling in a car. If you are prone to car sickness, you get anxious at the mere thought of a long drive. Instead of enjoying the passing scenery from the window, you end up feeling dizzy and nauseous. You make a silent promise to yourself of never getting into a car while watching your friends cherishing every moment of the road trip. It is undoubtedly not a pleasant experience. Some people are more susceptible to motion sickness. Lucky are those who have never experienced this. We all deserve to bask in the merriment of road trips. Keep reading this blog by the Auto Sales & Service dealership in Indianapolis, IN,  to learn tips to avoid car sickness.

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Mechanic fixing a tire

How To Clean My Wheels?

Video: Five Easy Steps to Clean your Wheels  

Do your wheels look dirty and need cleaning? At Auto Sales & Service in Indianapolis, IN, we have this YouTube video showing you how to clean your wheel in 5 steps. You will not only learn how to clean the brake dust off but also show you how to remove stains and tar, which can be challenging to clean. Additionally, this video will teach you how to protect the wheel surface and add tire shine to the tire’s sidewall to protect it from UV rays and ozone. Scroll down and watch the video. 

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Mechanic checking oil

The Importance of Regular Vehicle Maintenance

Key Benefits of Regularly Maintaining Your Vehicle 

Cars don’t repair itself. You need to take it for regular maintenance if you want to keep it in tip-top condition for a long time. If you take care of your car, your car will take care of you. It is a symbiotic bond of trust and loyalty that should not be overlooked. A car that is routinely checked and maintained leads to its better efficiency. To get the maximum performance out of your car, regular servicing and maintenance is mandatory. Keep reading this blog by the Auto Sale & Service dealership in Indianapolis, IN, to learn more about the importance of regular vehicle maintenance. 

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How to Increase the Fuel Efficiency of Your Car?

Tips to Increase the Fuel Efficiency of Your Car

Fuel prices are rapidly rising every year. It puts quite a lot of us in a financial mess. While we have no control over the prices, we can indeed adopt some ways to improve the fuel efficiency of our cars. The goal is to accomplish more miles per gallon. Even though electric vehicles have entered the market, gas-powered cars are still very much in demand. By making small changes in how you drive and keeping your vehicle in optimal condition, you can save some money on your fuel expenses. Keep reading this blog by the Auto Sales & Service dealership in Indianapolis, IN, to learn more about how to increase your car’s fuel efficiency.

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