Technician checking brakes

3 Signs That Your Car Needs New Brakes

How to Tell Your Car Needs Brake Replacement 

No fixed frequency exists at which you must get your car’s brake pads replaced. It should come as no surprise that the rotors don’t function as smoothly as they used to after a few years. ‘Forever’ is not a term when it concerns a car’s components. Regular inspections are recommended so that worn-out brakes are identified and replaced on time. In general, most cars run their best with functional brakes up to 65,000 miles. However, you must make sure to keep an ear out to sense a damaged brake that requires immediate repairs or replacement. If you are still figuring out the right time to head out to our Auto Sales & Service store in Indianapolis, IN, for a used car or an overdue service, you may want to check out the following tips on how to tell your car needs brake replacement. 

Noisy Rides on Your Car 

One of the first apparent signs of a damaging brake pad is the squeaking noises coming from inside your vehicle. Sharpen your ears to see if such sounds are generated while driving. Listen closely to comprehend if such squeals are from the brake pad or other parts of your vehicle. When you are sure it’s the brakes, get the brake replaced as soon as possible to avoid further wear and tear, which may even lead to accidents. Grinding noises warn you of severe damage to the brake pad, meaning you need to take action right away. 

Technician fixing brake pad
Technician checking brakes

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Vibrations While Driving Braking 

Use your senses more this time to make sure the brake is thinning down to a plate of insignificance. When you apply brakes, if the vehicle starts vibrating, drive to the service station for an instant inspection. 

Braking Takes Longer than Usual 

Another sign you must keep an eye out for is the time taken for the brakes to bring the vehicle to a stop. If the time is not in the ideal range and could cause grim outcomes during a ride, you know what’s the right thing to do. 

Get the Best Vehicle Services in Indianapolis, IN 

Visit us at Auto Sales & Service dealership when your vehicle is out of order. Get in touch with us or schedule an appointment for priority services.

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